01 685 4715


Richard Satchwell and the Polygraph (Lie Detector test)

We have been approached many times over the last few months by media outlets keen to arrange a polygraph test for Richard Satchwell. Sadly it is now over a year since Tina Satchwell went missing. We are the only polygraph test company in Ireland with examiners living in Ireland and of course we would be more than happy to conduct a test for Richard. However this is an active Garda investigation. Richard has not been charged with any crime and indeed the Gardai have not named him as a suspect in Tina’s disappearance. Despite this we cannot do anything that may jeopardise any future proceedings, so the approval of the investigating office is required before we can conduct a test. It is also important that anybody taking a test is a suitable candidate and any medical or mental health conditions are stable. We are currently yet to ascertain whether Richard is a suitable candidate. We of course, all hope that Tina is found safe and well soon. In the meantime when Richard feels it is the right time to take a test our door is open.

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