What steps are involved in a test and how long does it take? A test may last up to two and a half hours, with the actual time one is ‘hooked up’ to the equipment only a small part of the entire process. Initially we conduct a thorough pre-test interview…...
How Accurate is a Polygraph Test?
How Accurate is it? Accuracy The American Polygraph Association, the body responsible for a majority of research in this area lists a single issue test at up to 98% percent accurate, based on the test being conducted by a qualified examiner who uses the latest computerised equipment and who uses…...
What Type of Questions Are Included in a Polygraph Test?
How does it all get started? Pre-test interviewing Comparison questioning Relevant questioning Many people wonder what kind of questions they will be asked in a polygraph examination. In every case the examiner will conduct a pre-test interview to obtain all the pertinent background information about the matter under investigation to…...